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"Castle School Education Trust is committed to high quality education across the primary, secondary and sixth form key stages. Our schools cover the South Gloucestershire area. We encourage independence within each school within a strong framework of values."

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Mental Health Resources to help you during A difficult time

Some young people and adults may wonder where they can go for support.  Click on the button below to see a range of support services which you may find useful.

Beyond - Get Support Now          Where to go for support

The two websites below are there for the people of South Gloucestershire to turn to if they are concerned about theirs or a loved one’s mental health.

We have lots of advice and tips on how to maintain your mental wellbeing during this difficult time online, visit

Alternatively, if you would like to speak to someone to find out what support is available, call 0333 577 4666 available from 11am-7pm Monday to Friday, 12pm-6pm Saturday and Sunday or email


Kooth - Young Muslims and mental health

inourplace | Solihull Approach – Moving up - a reminder that families have FREE access to all of the courses from Solihull, which can be accessed here: 

 My child is anxious about school transitions or changes - Support for Parents from Action For Children

 School Anxiety and Refusal | Parent Guide to Support | YoungMinds

 Supporting school transitions | Resources | YoungMinds

 Transitions : Mentally Healthy Schools

 How Parents Can Help With Secondary School Transition | YoungMinds

 Supporting Children To Return To School.pdf (


Mental Health Awareness Week runs from 13 to 19 May 2024

March 15th was World Sleep Day 

Getting the right amount of sleep has an important role in maintaining health and wellbeing . It is very common for young people to have trouble sleeping .

Useful FREE webinar link below

The role of sleep in adolescent mental health – Presented by Dr. Faith Orchard as part of the ‘Professor Judy Dunn Webinar Series’ - Recording - ACAMH


Sleep The Top Tips and Teen Sleep Matters

Resources - Teen Sleep Hub 

SF-23-127_Sleep_Diary_Interactive.pdf (

Our Personal Development curriculum in KS3 and KS4 covers the topic of sleep and its relationships to wellbeing . This includes the benefits of sleep, the effects of not having good sleep and strategies for having better sleep. 

 68% of teens do not sleep enough during school nights

Sleep should be an important part of your children's overall health and wellbeing.

Here is a little information to help you understand your teen’s sleep and how you can help

  • Emphasise the importance of sleep and that it improves memory and performance. Teens need at least eight hours’ sleep on school nights.

  • Encourage regular exercise – 20 minutes three times a week will help.

  • Suggest they drink less caffeine (in cola and energy drinks as well as tea and coffee). Too much caffeine stops them falling asleep and prevents deep sleep.

  • Point out that eating too much or too little close to bedtime – an over full or empty stomach – may prevent sleep onset, or cause discomfort throughout the night.

  • Try and get your teen into a good bed routine – suggest that doing the same things in the same order before going to sleep can help.

  • Avoid using electronic devices (TVs, gaming machines and more importantly, tablets and smartphones) in the hour before bedtime. Blue light emitting from these gadgets stimulates the brain and may inhibit melatonin production – the hormone you need to sleep.

  • Eliminate electronic devices from the bedroom. If this isn’t possible, try to zone areas of the room for work, leisure and sleep.

  • Ensure a good sleep environment – a room that is dark, cool, quiet, safe and comfortable.

  • Make sure your teenager has a comfortable bed. It may be time to get a new one – and encourage him or her to choose it themselves.