School Safeguarding Information
At The Castle School we have an important role to play in identifying concerns our students may have and helping to promote their health and wellbeing in and out of school.
All staff at The Castle School are in a good position to do this early and each has a responsibility and a duty of care for keeping students safe and protecting them from harm.
At The Castle School all staff play an important part in the wider safeguarding of children. Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is everyone’s responsibility.
At The Castle School we do this by:
Having a Designated Safeguarding Lead, Jodie Palmer (Assistant Headteacher) who takes responsibility for Child Protection and Safeguarding issues and whose role is:
Giving advice and support to other staff,
Staff training so all staff can identify the four main categories of abuse and are aware of our responsibilities in regard to; FGM, forced marriage, Prevent Agenda and Promoting British Values
Linking with children’s services
Working with other organisations
Taking lead for our Children in Care
Having a core safeguarding team
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads:
Catherine Cheese | Wayne Underwood | Ally Budd | Emma Colwill |
Having a Core Pastoral Structure with Dedicated Year Teams
Sophie Gammon Head of Year 7 |
Ella Wood Head of Year 8 |
Emma Colwill Head of Year 9 |
Mary-Anne Willmottt Head of Year 10 |
Wayne Underwood Head of Year 11 |
Having a Student Support Centre with Dedicated Student Support Workers
Tracey England | Kay Clode | Jane Wilson | Paula Conron | Layla Rehman |
Having a Safeguarding Community Counsellor, Clara Mason, who has been elected by parents.
If you feel that a child is in immediate danger then you must call the police on 999.
Alternatively you can refer straight to;
Access and Response Team South Glos – 01454 86 6000 (during working hours)
Emergency duty team – 01454 615165 (out of hours)
First Response (for students and families living in Bristol); 0117 9036444
Police – 101 for non-urgent issues & 999 if urgent and an immediate response is needed
Domestic Abuse Concerns - Next Link South Glos domestic abuse telephone help lines are open
8:30am – 5:30pm Monday to Friday and 9:30am – 1:00pm on Saturday 0800 4700 280
Mental health support - CAMHS (if young person is currently under CAMHS) – 01454 862431 or if you are concerned that you are not able to keep your child safe or they are not able to keep themselves safe then take them to the Accident & Emergency department at Bristol Children’s hospital or call for an ambulance.
Food banks links for families living in South Glos
Food banks links for families living in Bristol
Parents worried about exploitation - or for confidential help and advice, call Pace on 0113 240 5226
CHILDLINE – 0800 1111 or visit their website
Samaritans – 116 123
Mental health apps approved by NHS -
0808 800 5000
Government guidance bringing together sources of information about the main risks children may be particularly vulnerable to during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and signposts you to help and support available.
Published 25 June 2020 - publications/coronavirus- covid-19-keeping-children- safe-from-abuse-and-harm/ advice-to-parents-and-carers- on-keeping-children-safe-from- abuse-and-harm
Young Minds Helpline for parents and young people
If there are concerns about a young person's mental health during this difficult time, you can contact the Young Minds Helplines.
Parents Helpline: If you are a parent who needs advice about your child’s mental health you can contact the Parents Helpline directly on 0808 802 between 9:30am-4pm
Young Minds Crisis Messenger: If you are a young person experiencing a mental health crisis you can text YM to 85258 for free 24/7 support.
The Young Minds website is here: text ‘shout’ to 852588for 24/7 crisis text support
Kooth is a British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) accredited digital mental health support service. It gives children and young people easy access to an online community of peers and a team of experienced counsellors. Access is free of the typical barriers to support.
Kooth can be accessed by young people here:
The NSPCC website has a range of information about child mental health.