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Part of castle school education trust

"Castle School Education Trust is committed to high quality education across the primary, secondary and sixth form key stages. Our schools cover the South Gloucestershire area. We encourage independence within each school within a strong framework of values."

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We feel it is important that parents and carers make an informed decision as to which school they would prefer their child(ren) to attend, and feel that there is no substitute for visiting any school that you are considering.   Castle School has an Open Evening in September each year, but if you are unable to attend, please contact the school to make an appointment to view the School.

If your child is starting school for the first time in September or transferring from Year 6 Primary School to Year 7 Secondary School you will need to complete an application form which can be found in the back of the 'Admission to Schools Booklet', given out by your Primary school or available on the South Gloucestershire website, please see the link below.  The closing date for these applications is normally mid October the year before they are due to start.  Late admissions can be made via the South Gloucestershire Website but Applications received after the closing date of the end of October will be dealt with as late applications and will be considered after the beginning of  March.  This means that you are less likely to receive an offer at one of your preferred schools.

Offers of secondary school places are made to parents/carers resident in South Gloucestershire at the beginning of March.  You must reply to offers made no later than mid March.  The official dates are on the South Gloucestershire website.

The information contained in the admission booklet, and on this website is intended to help you in the initial stages of the process.

A copy of the Admissions to Secondary Schools in South Gloucestershire Booklet is available on the South Gloucestershire Council Admissions to Schools web page.

Applications during the school year (in-year admissions)

If you have moved into the local area during the school year or you are already resident in South Gloucestershire and wish to move your child to another school, please contact The Castle School on 01454 862100 or email for more details on the admissions process, timelines and appeals process and to be sent a copy of the application forms.

The map showing The Castle School Catchment Area is available here.

The map showing South Gloucestershire Schools and their Catchment areas is available here.

Admissions Policy for admissions for CSET (Castle School Education Trust) 

Requests for in-year transfer school places are normally only considered approximately six weeks prior to a requested start date. If the place is being sought for a September admission to an existing year group, applications should be made in mid-June.

We aim to notify parents of the outcome of their application and details about the right to appeal within six weeks or sooner.

We welcome and recommend visits from parents and prospective students to see The Castle School at work, before submitting an application.  Please contact us for further details or to arrange a visit.

More information for in-year applications within the South Gloucestershire Local Authority area is available at South Gloucester - Secondary school admissions.